Hey kids, it's about time for another blog post. This time around, we're going to focus on a series of films I've been watching back to back for the past week... Die Hard.
I love Die Hard.
Because it's one of those films you can watch again and again and again and never get bored. Mind you, I bet John McClane must get seriously bored of fighting terrorists over and over again. You'd think the terrorists would just give up by now; because America clearly has this secret weapon they can always rely on when terror arises. It's almost as though NYPD have this bat-signal kind of thing which they can switch on, and somehow McClane will end up in the wrong place at the wrong time yet again. I wonder if McClane got any bonuses for killing all these terrorists? I mean, all he seemed to get was a bollocking for annoying his superiors with his reckless attitude to upholding the law in the line of duty.
Anyway, I watched the first Die Hard the other night and I'm surprised with how well it holds up with today's standards... It's one of those films which you know is going to be "rebooted" ala Batman Begins at some point in the future, but you know it shouldn't. Everything about Die Hard, to me was perfect. It was an action film with as much story as there were bodies on the floor and Bruce Willis was just perfect casting. He IS John McClane. I'm surprised he hasn't legally changed his name to that, because he lost his Bruce Willisness when he signed on to do Die Hard.
One thing, I especially loved about Die Hard, was the casting of Hans Gruber. Alan Rickman doing something a little different compared to what he was used to at the time, as I believe he did a lot of travelling theatre work up until that moment, like Shakespeare and whatnot. It certainly payed off, he was very convincing as the classically educated and ruthless terrorist mastermind. Rickman plays a great villain, and he is one of two actors who I would love to star in one of these new Bond movies (The gritty/realistic ones with Daniel Craig) as the villain, the other being Sir Ian McKellen; who can make just as good a baddie as he can a wise wizard, something he proved in the first and second X-Men films, where he played Magneto. X-Men III was a good performance from him... It's just a shame the whole film was rubbish.
But going back on track, the sequel to Die Hard, the amazingly titled "Die Hard 2: Die Harder", which in my opinion is up there with "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" as the greatest, most awesome film titles ever, inevitably came out after the success of Die Hard 1. Glad to see movie studios were greedy even then, I mean how many times can one man get stuck in the same situation? Although this was clearly something they acknowledged, as I believe the tagline for Die Hard 2 was something like "They say lightning never strikes twice... They were wrong." whoever made that bet probably regretted it later...
The film itself wasn't so good as Die Hard 1, as is the common rule for movie sequels. I didn't like the story so much, and I thought the choice of terrorists weren't so great. Infact, they were pretty forgettable compared to the amazing Hans Gruber. Still, it was good to see that the quality of story was retained, the action was still good and John still had his attitude, something which I felt really made the performance great.
After this film came Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance. I will always remember this one because of the film tie-in they had for the PS1, Die Hard: Trilogy, where it had 3 games for each film. The first was a third person shooter set in Nakatomi Plaza, the second was a first person shooter set at Dulles Airport (Think Time Crisis without the lite-gun) and the third was a Grand Theft Auto style game where you went around New York City, driving cars, finding bombs and deactivating them before time went out and you die in a horrible explosion.
The plot for Die Hard 3 is pretty similar, we have John McClane once again being brought up against the terrorists, this time joined by Samuel L Jackson as his reluctant partner. They are brought into a huge game of Simon Says, where "Simon" tells the two where he has placed the next bomb set to go off, and they have to race across New York in order to deactivate it. It's a pretty good plot, it's a breath of fresh air and it's a classic example of a bad idea done brilliantly. See, in this film they decided that Hans Gruber had a brother, who is presumably extremely miffed at McClane after the events in Die Hard 1. Anyway, this brother is played by Jeremy Irons who, while he isn't as good as Alan Rickman, he does a damn good job of playing the villain. It's a similar plot to the first, but I won't spoil it.
After this, it was decided that Hollywood would scrape the barrel and make a Die Hard 4. This was originally going to be called Live Free Or Die Hard, but was eventually shortened to Die Hard 4.0. Thank god. Willis is back, minus hair and sadly without the attitude (For the most part) he brought to the previous three films. This, along with a few other things, really distracted me from the fact that it was a Die Hard film, and not just some average action film (Which, let's be honest, this one was). The villain in this film was okay, a bit meh in all honesty but I guess that's Timothy Olyphant for you, at least from what I've seen from him. If anyone wants to direct me to a better performance from him, feel free because I've only seen him in this and Hitman. I bought the uncut version of Die Hard 4.0, and while I agree that it's better than the theatrical cut, as they originally took all the swearing out so that parents would take their kids to see a film about a cop blowing a load of cyber terrorist's brains out, completely oblivious to the violence in the film... Something I've never understood. If there's violence, it's fine. If there's swearing or nudity, EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS! I seriously hope when Die Hard 5 eventually comes out, they do it properly. Or not at all.
Still, I think I've rambled on enough about Die Hard... To think I was really struggling with what to type when I first started on this post... But hey. I'll just leave it with this picture:
