So, I just got me a new beastie. It's due to arrive Thursday... Can't wait. What is this beastie? Only an Epiphone G-400 Gothic. It's got a really nice sound to it, and it looks awesome. Plus it's black so it reflects how I feel on the inside, man. /wrists
I'll look forward to belt some t00nz out on this. Still learning, but it should make things a bit easier, especially since I won't have to worry about snapping the strings more or less straight out of the box. Isn't that right, Elevation Guitars? *Shakes fist*
I'll give updates when I get it. If anyone even cares anyway. But it doesn't matter if they do, I suppose a blog is only useful to me as collecting my thoughts in written form and that ^_^
It'll also give me a reason to whack the digital camera out soo... Pics tomorrow =D
Om nom nom. That is one beautiful guitar, Mattimus.
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